Women from the past

Aziani – Natalia Dondarova – Playwright

1878 – 1943

Natalia Aziani (Dondarova) was born on 4 January 1878 in the city of Gori.

The first play, Engineer or Doctor, which Natalia Aziani wrote in 1897, gained the praise from Ilia Chavchavadze, the editor of Iveria newspaper. For his part, Ilia Chavchavadze gave the literary work to the Georgian Society of Drama which staged it in 1898.

Natalia Aziani is also the author of the following plays: Money and Quality, Wrecked Hopes, This Way or Another, Woe from Pen, Political Fool, Pillars of Homeland, Sin, and Fugitive. She wrote a number of satirical articles and short stories too.



“This play belongs to one young Armenian lady and the writing shows quite a talent taking into account that this is the first step of this young lady on the literary arena. In our opinion, among original plays offered this year none has proved to be a play of such a talent …”

The newspaper Iveria. Issues #8.
13 January 1898.


“The Georgian literature in general and in particular, the Georgian theatre must be congratulated for acquiring such new, undeniable and authentic talent. This gifted and very promising pen is the pen of a young female author, Natalia Aziani.”

“We primarily like it because the play by Aziani is a page from the book describing realities of our contemporary life – depicts a picture which is not invented but reflects the life…. It carries you into a sphere where dignity, wits, reason, conscience, past, future, generosity and even the god are measured and evaluated by money. If there is money, there is everything too. Gain money and who cares about the means that were used to gain it.”

“This, in our view, is the first undeniable evidence of true talent. We are not accustomed to or spoilt by seeing people described with such truth on the stage; instead, we more often see caricatures.”

“One private person does not constitute either a material for literature or an interest of society. An author who manages to find a general phenomenon or type in this diverse life is talented indeed…. Ms. Aziani is remarkable for creating new types in literature. The life has created these types for quite a long time now whereas the honor to describe them in literature belongs to Ms. Aziani and this description shows the true talent of her young pen!..

Credit must again be given to Ms. Aziani for that moral impact which her plays have on the audience.”

The newspaper Iveria. Issues #12.
18 January 1898.



“Interview with Madam Democracy”
Author: Aziani

“- Why are you staying in this damp, dark cellar when your legal spouses, masters, commissars and ministers live in eight-room apartments in the best part of the city?!

“- Did you not know that the second husband betrayed me too. He married me because of my dowry and has not even come near to me since then…. He is also flirting with bourgeoisie….

“- They did not give you, did not share with you what I was deprived and confiscated of?! – I asked in indignation.

“- No; I swear, I have not even seen any! – Madam Democracy sincerely exclaimed. But that’s not big deal, she added, the main problem is that they are going to make me get married for the third time. They say a Bolshevik is courting me now, promising immense happiness. But I do not know what to do, should I dare again?

“- Do not marry again, you poor soul! Enough with these husbands! – I exclaimed with pity and returned home distressed.”

The newspaper Sakartvelo, issue 173;
23 December 1920

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