
Discussion at the NIMD’s Representation in the South Caucasus

On 25 March NIMD Representation in the South Caucasus facilitated a thematic roundtable meeting on Coverage of Gender Equality Issues by Georgian Media.


A representative of the MDF, Ketevan Mskhiladze, in her presentation gave an overview of the problems that were revealed in studies conducted by the organization in 2011 and 2012. Ms. Mskhiladze underlined two most important issues, firstly, that mostly women are shown as victims via Georgian media. Secondly, that there still exists the notion of “women’s” and “men’s” topics, meaning that women are featured in the media only talking about the “light” topics for example – culture, fashion, weather, cooking and etc.


The representatives of political parties, different NGOs and media attending the round table had the opportunity to discuss above mentioned issues and the possibilities of cooperation.


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