Women from the past

Eleonora Ter-Parsegova – Makhviladze, Public figure


Eleonora Ter-Parsegova, who was a member of Socialist-Democratic Party of Georgia since 1902, was first arrested in 1908. The reason of arrest was her joining, after the manifestation on 17 October 1905, that group which took the reigns of administration in Sokhumi for several weeks in 1906, thereby replacing the bodies of the Tsarist government. This group paralyzed the public bodies, occupied the city and ran the city during several weeks.

In 1918, Eleonora Ter-Parsegova was elected as a member of the National Assembly of the Democratic Republic of Georgia from the Social-Democratic Party. She worked on the healthcare and labor commissions.

Since 1921, after the Sovietization of Georgia, Eleonora Ter-Parsegova engaged in anti-Soviet movement. In 1925, she was elected as a member of illegal central committee of Social-Democratic Labor Party of Georgia. In 1926, she was arrested and sent to exile. After returning from exile, she conducted a pedagogic activity.


“The composition of the Georgian parliament:
“Electees from Social-Democratic Party are:

“Eleonora Ter-Parsegova – Makhviladze… Minadora Toroshelidze… Christine Sharashidze… Elisabed (Liza) Bolkvadze….”

Sakhalkho Kalebdari, 1920


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